Wednesday, January 9, 2008

lazy wed..

whoaaaaa got nothing to do today...
just gave my resignation letter yesterday though...
finally i feel so release (phuih..!)
sempet gemeteran pas mau masukin suratnya ke amplop, dan tiba2 g deg2an aja, keraguan hati untuk resign sempat terlintas... (from the bottom of my heart: are u sure marlina??) khkh
baru ngomong ma bos yg besar si ..
agak deg2an juga pas masuk ruangan dia,
first he said "im shock marlina.." sambil nyengir gitu dan megang surat g.
dan g cuma bisa balas dengan cengar cengir juga... (stupid skali kalo dipikir"). Dia sempet mengira kalo g bakal ngelamar kerja di tempat lain di indo, tapi akhirnya dia berhasil diyakinkan juga kalo g emang mau hijrah ke sing dan skul sambil kerja dsn.. moga2 bener2 percaya d. Sempet nanya juga bakal balik ke indo lagi ato nggak (well to be honest boss, kalo uda makmur mah ngapain balik??) but then he said "this is home, u can always come back anytime u want..." glad to hear that bos... just in case i cant make it there in sing khkh... do you really mean it btw?? ^o^
And now i feel bad already... cos he's been nice for all this time [ why suddenly i feel hard to leave this company? ggggrrrrr - sometimes i hate myself for being so easy to get influenced]
aaaahhhh havent talk to the other boss, im not sure he knows it already... cos they're not communicate a lot!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like ur word 'just in case' dan 'secepat itukah'..
ini cewe dah kaya houdini bener neh..nekat padahal ud dpt perpanjangan kontrak disertai dengan 100% salary rise..
tapi salut ma u punya plan..
berarti semangat dari bokap u nurun ke u, tp klo ud kerja semangat nyokap u ada di u(alias betah di t4 kerja jgn mental2 mulu)..
semoga sukses di sing nanti...